Wednesday, November 12, 2008

8 Months Old

Patrick is now 8 months old, as of November 4!! He is growing so much. He now weighs almost 21 lbs. He has two bottom teeth, a new forward-facing car seat, is trying to crawl (and he is soooo close), starting to pull up, and eating all kinds of new foods (he tried his first french fry, grits, etc.)

Trick or Treat!!

I am finally posting our Halloween pictures. We went to several different Halloween events...the Piedmont Club Spooktacular, a Halloween party at the Taylor's house, and then trick or treating at different family and friend's houses. Patrick visited with his cousins, Lillian (the Cinderella princess) and Virginia (the other monkey). He enjoyed Halloween and really wanted to try the candy, as you can see from one of the pictures. He LOVED his monkey costume, especially his banana trick or treat bag!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

This past Wednesday, we took Patrick to the Pumpkin Patch to pick out a pumpkin for Halloween. Check out the pictures.

Duncan Park

Last weekend we went to Duncan Park on Sunday afternoon for a benefit concert. Patrick enjoyed just being outdoors, playing on the ground, and listening to the music. Of course (Aunt) Liza was there to capture the pics!!

You will also notice he has discovered his tongue and tends to stick it out alot!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blessing of the Animals

Yesterday, Sunday, Brendan, Patrick, Sarah (the dog) and I attended the Blessing of the Animals at the Church of the Advent. It was beautiful weather and Sarah and Patrick really enjoyed themselves. Patrick LOVES dogs. When he just sees Sarah, he actually cracks up laughing. He also enjoyed watching the fountain and then hanging out with his dad at Hickory Tavern for dinner...Patrick actually had his first meal out too!

I also posted a picture of Patrick after his bath one evening...too cute!!

Clayton Wedding

This past Saturday, we all went down to the farm for Warren Clayton and Susan Lanier's wedding...even Patrick!! We had so much fun and it was beautiful! Originally we were going to get a sitter for Patrick but we were unable to. So, we had to take him but it turned out alright seeing as how there were several other children there. Patrick got all dressed up and I think he really enjoyed eating his dinner outside with all the entertainment because he ate it all up (which he hasn't been doing recently).

Friday, September 26, 2008

Old Cold, New Shoes

Patrick has been a little under the weather for the past few weeks. It all started two weeks ago with a runny nose. We went to the doctor and he said that was all it was, a runny nose. He told us to elevate his head and use a humidifier, which we did. The runny nose went away but only to return this past weekend. Then, on Thursday, we got a call from Patrick's school...he had thrown up. We could hear a lot of wheezing in his chest, so back to the doc we went. Dr. Beavers said it appeared the infection had moved from his nose to his chest. He gave Patrick a steriod and then we were instructed to use the Nebulizer for the next few days. Today, Patrick is feeling much better as we both had the day off!!

On a better note, his aunt Liza delivered some wonderful gifts upon her return from Vail, CO. Patrick loves his new Puma tennis shoes, his Vail t-shirt, and his Patagonia fleece. Check out the photos...remember he is not 100% yet!!!

Can you believe he is almost 7 months old?!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Patrick's Schedule at 6 Months

A Day in the Life of Patrick Delaney
27 weeks old (6 months old)

6:45/7:00am – Wake Up...immediately eats around 7-8oz. (still breastfed) and then cereal.
7:00-9:00am – I try to keep Patrick for these two hours to play...if he can't make it the whole time, thats okay!!
9:00-10:30am – Morning Nap
10:30-11:15am - Playtime
11:15/11:30am – Lunchtime ( I usually let him nap as long as he wants...if he wakes before 11am, then I wait until 11:15 to feed him, otherwise I just feed him when he wakes! The closer to 11:45, the better since this is his “lunch”. He gets 6oz. of formula in a bottle.
11:30-2:00pm – errands...etc. If he falls asleep in the car, no big deal!
2:00-4:00pm – Naptime (I am not big on the times of the naps, just as long as he sleeps sometime between feedings and as long as he is awake for a good bit after he eats...I do not let him go to sleep after he eats!! He is getting pretty regular with his naps, though!!
4:00 – Snacktime...I do NOT let him sleep past 4:30pm...I like him to eat around 4 or 4:30pm. Again, I breastfeed him still for this snack (I think its around 6 oz.).
4:00-6:30pm – Playtime
6:30pm – Dinner...first I breastfeed him, then we do cereal mixed with formula (usually about 1-2tbsp. of cereal), then he gets baby food (carrots, squash, or some other type of veggie), and then I give him 4 oz. of formula. If I am unable to breastfeed him, I would give him about 6-7 oz. of formula and then the cereal and food)
7:15pm - Bathtime
8:00pm – Bedtime

Patrick sleeps on his tummy. He likes to fall asleep first on your chest or in the carseat (if you are in the car running errands) but will fall asleep in his crib by himself...he is usually pretty easy to move without waking him up.

After bath (right before bedtime), make sure to change his diaper and put on a cloth diaper and his pajamas.

He usually likes to have his passie to fall asleep and I cover him with a light blanket in his crib.

Make sure to change his diaper FIRST thing in the morning when he wakes up...and I always change him when he wakes from a nap!

When you make formula bottles, make sure to use lukewarm water...DO NOT heat in the microwave.

Patrick started this schedule at 6 months old (around 26 weeks) with cereal being continued and baby food being added, but the naps have begun to change. He now only has two naps a day instead of three...he cut out the late afternoon nap. Also, his bedtime has changed. He now goes to sleep at 8pm and there is no bottle. So, he eats only four times a day.

Recent Photos of Patrick Eating

And the Cold Strikes

Patrick got his first dose of the common cold this week. It started Sunday night...he couldn't sleep because he couldn't breathe out of his nose. So, we ended up with him in our bed waking up every two hours. Finally morning came and his entire nose was covered with dry, green, (you guessed it) boogers!! It was soooo gross! I did not go to work so I could take him to the doctor. The doc said it was just a cold with a runny nose and since he is only 6 months old, there is not much medicine we can give him. We did give him Tylenol and we put two humidifiers in his room and stuck law books under his mattress to elevate his head. Things seem to be better and hopefully he will return to school on Thursday!!

Patrick's First Taste of Real Food

Patrick had his first taste of real food about a week ago. He has been eating carrots, squash, and tonight we will try sweet potatos!! I give him a new food about every three days so that we can check to make sure he is not allergic to anything. He seems to really enjoy his food...maybe because it's all homemade!! His mom rocks!