Sunday, January 4, 2009
10 Months

sorry it has been a while since i last posted...crazy busy with the holidays. patrick is 10 MONTHS old today...i can't believe it. so much has happened and it seems that it all happened about a month ago. nine months was HUGE for patrick. he learned to crawl, got 4 teeth (all on bottom and all came in at once!!), learned to pull up, and he is now eating people food...with his own hands, which really makes quite a mess but he loves it!!
only one negative thing appeared around the 9 month mark...patrick is a "breath holder." When he gets REALLY upset (the four times it has happened, he has been scared), he screams so hard that he holds his breath until he basically passes out. his face is beet red and then it turns blue/white and his head falls over and he becomes very limp. before we talked to the doc, i would just shake him until he started crying again. but the doc assured us that this is fairly common (1 in 20 kids). when it happens, we need to just let it happen and not make a big deal. the doc said that they always breath again...it is just scary. the more of a deal we make, the more he will do it. the doc also gave some comforting news...this "breath holding" will peak around age two and then go away by agae five. in other words, the terrible twos will be TERRIBLE. patrick will pass out if he doesn't get what he wants...boy, we are in for it...payback i guess!!
christmas was great. bonfire christmas eve, my family came over to our house christmas day for lunch, then we went to brendan's brother's house for dinner. patrick got lots of push toys so he can learn to walk!! we went to alabama to visit brendan's mom and sister day after christmas. longest drive ever...10 hours with baby!! had fun but came back for new years. went to joe and katie delaney's NYE but came home early to ring in the new year at our house. first time patrick has ever woken up in the night. woke up at 10:30 and went back to sleep at 12:30. guess he knew it was new years eve!!
Patrick weighs in at almost 23lbs!! He is 30 inches long!! We are now in 18month clothes and wearing real shoes...keds, my favorite!!
so, this is patrick's schedule which started at 9 months:
7am - BREAKFAST wake, eat 6oz. formula, eat baby cereal mixed with fruit
9:30/10am - nap for hopefully an hour (sometimes just 30 min)
11:15am - LUNCH eat 6oz. formula, fruit and vegetable (these are finger foods now and he feeds himself) and juice (1/2 apple, 1/2 water)
1:30pm - nap
3:30pm - snack (crackers, cheese, juice)
6pm - DINNER eat 6oz. forumla, two veggies and fruit
7pm - bed
Food-we have been eating lots of finger foods...cut up fruits, cut up, steamed veggies, "Yo Baby" yogurt, cheese, rice cakes, ham, turkey. the doc said to give him anything we would eat, seasoned just the way we would...but avoid eggs, cow's milk, peanuts. we still do three bottles a day but we will probably cut out the lunch bottle soon.
Bath-patrick has had some dry patches on his legs, so doc told us to lather him is aquaphor (best stuff ever...check spelling) and to NOT bath him every night, so we try to bath him every other night and sometimes even every three nights...he doesn't get too dirty! we were using aveeno wash but doc said to switch to dove sensitive...WORKS GREAT!!!
Bedtime - patrick goes to his crib at 7pm. he does cry for about 20 minutes, then falls to sleep. this is the way we want it...i refuse to hold him until he falls asleep...used to, but now i want him to fall asleep on his own
Passie - still using pacifier, but i want to get rid of it...i don't know, we'll see!
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