February 1, 2010
Woohoo! We woke up to some snow and ice and that meant a two-hour delay!! Always love a delay. Therefore I did not go to school until 10am. Quick work day for me seeing as how I leave at 11:30. As usual, I left and picked Patrick up from WDS and out to lunch with Dad we went. Seeing as how much Patrick LOVES Taco Dog, that is where we eventually ended up.
After lunch, Patrick and I went home for his nap. Maggie McCraw arrived shortly after to babysit while I went to my 1:00 appointment. This would be my 38 week check-up.
A little back story...the Thursday prior, I went to the hospital for a scheduled inversion (sp?) to try and turn this babe. We found out officially at 35 weeks that Baby Delaney was breech. I had a feeling for a while...sure did think that bottom was awfully hard...of course, it was a head!! So, on Thursday, Dr. Pereyo attempted to turn baby. This took nearly an hour of pushing on my belly...needless to say this did NOT work! A c-section was then scheduled for February 9, and baby Delaney would be delivered by Dr. Pereyo (or so we thought).
So, back to Feb.1...I go to the Women's Clinic for my 38 week checkup. As I am sitting in the waiting room, Dr. Pereyo spies me and comes over to ask if the baby had, by chance, turned on it's own. I told him no and he said, "She would NOT move!"
I just nodded and he went on his way. I never told him that he just spoiled the news...we were having a GIRL!! We had opted to not find out, but I guess after staring at her on the ultra-sound for an entire hour while trying to turn her, he forgot to keep it a secret. Too funny!!
It didn't bother me to much because it wasn't official...you know, he could of just said "she" as a reference (yeah right!).
Finally, I am called back to be seen by Dr. Hardin. We do the standard weight, blood pressure, etc. Then she asks if I have been checked (for dialation) at all. I hadn't simply because we knew baby was breech and if I was dialated, it would just piss me off because I wasn't going to be able to deliver this baby vaginally. Well, Dr. Hardin decided she should check me really just to make sure I wasn't some crazy 8cm and the baby was about to fall out!!
So, I went in the room and she shortly followed to check...this is where is got kinda CRAZY! So, she checks me and informs me I am about 3cm (about like I was with Patrick at the same point in the pregnancy) but then she says, "What the hell is that?" Now, that is not what you want to hear from your doctor as she has her hand inside of you checking your baby!!
I said, "What?" She then preceded to tell me that she felt something that should be a foot but was too small to be a foot. Then she told me to lie real still (like I was doing a lot of moving). She felt again and this time told me that "whatever she is feeling is pulsating...NOT GOOD!! The only thing in there that pulsates is the cord...NOT GOOD!" She then explained to me that cord was sitting right on my cervix and if I were to go into labor the first thing coming out is the cord...BAD! Bad because when the cord comes out, my cervix will contract and all oxygen and blood flow would be cut off to the baby and essentially the baby could die! Ok...SCARY!!
An immediate decision was made to go straight to the hospital and as Dr. Hardin said, "you are having this baby today!"
I then completed my paperwork, discussed this option with Dr. Pereyo, and was told I could go home and get my bag and then go straight to the hospital.
Luckily, I had a sitter at home that could stay a little longer...long enough for me to go have a baby! Ha!
So, I got my bag together...not nearly as much stuff as I took with Patrick...just my PJ's, and I really don't remember what else...same bag though!
As I was driving myself to the hospital, I called Brendan to tell him what was going on. He was in court in Greenville and could NOT get home right away. No big deal though...I knew they wouldn't do the c-section right away, seeing as how I ate Taco Dog for lunch (Last meal before I had Patrick too!).
So here I go...to the hospital to have a baby...by myself! I remember passing Katie on the way (in front of Pine Street School) and just waving like all was good! I like the element of surprise...so didn't want to call her and inform her of what was going on...wanted to just surprise her with a text when Baby Delaney entered the world!
So, I get to the hospital and luckily my sister, Liza, was able to come sit with me while I waited the six hours for my food to digest. What a long wait!!
The anethesiologist(sp??) came in and gave her whole spill...which, by the way, got me very upset. Really I was just nervous and felt so unprepared seeing as how I was NOT planning on having a baby that day.
Got over that. Then Dr. Goodlett came in! Yay Dr. Goodlett! What fun this would be...he delivered Patrick nearly two years ago and now he would get to deliver my next baby. I mean what are the chances, since there are about six doctors in the practice. Anyway, he came in around 5:00 to tell me he was ready to go ahead but since Daddy wasn't there yet, he figured he should wait...good thinking!!
Dr. Goodlett decided to go on home and eat dinner with his kids and then he would come back at 8:00pm for the procedure. He went through it all reassuring me that it was so quick and easy. He would be back at 8:00, they would prep me and take me into the OR, baby would be out about 8:15 and then I would be in recovery by 8:30! Wow...fast!
Brendan finally arrived and our time together before Baby Delaney arrived was spent going over what all I had been told, discussing possible girl names (since Dr. Pereyo had clearly told me it was a girl) and then talking to Dr. Goodlett to make sure this was the right thing to do since I was two weeks early.
Dr. Goodlett told Brendan that if he took me home and I went into labor, it would be a situation where Brendan would have to lie me down flat in the car and drive about 100mph to the hospital..."Do you really want to do that?"...to which Brendan agreed...NO!!
8:00pm came and off we went...c-section underway.
Just remembered my favorite part of the whole delivery...so, Brendan arrives and I say, "Wouldn't that be great if Amanda Edwards was here tonight to help deliver our baby?" So, Brendan called Tucker and we were thrilled to learn that he just dropped her off for her 7:00pm-7:00am shift. I was SOOOOO glad to see her! She was gonna be my nurse and be with me through everything...seriously, this made ALL the difference.
Back to the c-section...8:00 came and off we went. When we got to the O.R., Brendan had to wait outside until the spinal was put in...this was kinda hard and made me a little scared not having him with me. Luckily Amanda was there and was as close to a "fill in" as I could have gotten.
Weird part was...I actually walked in the O.R. and put myself on the table! The prepping began and I was so nervous that medicine wasn't going to work and I would feel it all! Well, the medicine did work and I felt NOTHING...no pressure, no tugging, nothing!
Brendan was back in the room now and Dr. Goodlett made the incision. Before I could blink, Brendan (who is peering over the sheet watching the whole thing) says, "It's a girl!"
I said, "what?? she's out??" to which he replies, "No, but it's a girl!"
The next thing I hear is, "And her nose is crooked!" Not what a mother wants to hear, especially when she has a baby girl!
Needless to say, our baby girl was finally here (and she was all squished up, probably because we had been squishing her trying to get her to flip!).
I honestly couldn't believe that we had a DAUGHTER!! I truly thought we would have another boy...guess having one boy put me in the boy mode. But, man was I sure happy to have a sweet baby girl!
They took her to the side to do all the things they do...Amanda announced her weight, 6 pounds 14 ounces...a tiny little thing compared to Patrick (nearly 9 pounds).
It sure did take a while and I asked what was going on...Amanda informed me that they were sucking all the gook out of her and that c-section babies have a lot of gook since they don't pass through the birth canal...as Amanda said, "She sure is juicy!"
All the nurses kept asking the name which I in turn kept asking Brendan ("the baby name whisperer")...all Brendan said was, "Juicy Lucy"
And that was it. Lucy had arrived. February 1, 2011 at 8:16pm. All 6 pounds 14 ounces of her. All 19.5 inches of her. We were in love all over again.
While all is being done with Lucy, Dr. Goodlett is closing me up and Brendan is getting an anatomy lesson as I hear Dr. Goodlett say, "This is her intestines...here is her ovary..." I couldn't believe that Brendan was watching all that!
Finally everything is finished and off we go to recovery. Luckily, because we know special people at the hospital...Amanda...our family was able to come to recovery to meet the newest addition. Of course, I wouldn't tell them the sex and made them guess...then they (Mom, Liza, and Toby) took a quick peek at our baby girl and quickly snuck out.
I nursed Lucy for the first time and she was a pro! After her feeding, she was taken to the nursery for her bath and I was moved up to my room.
While Lucy was in the nursery, my mom, Liza, Toby, and my dad all watched her get her first bath...well, my dad couldn't watch because he thought the nurses were WAY to rough and were hurting her. So, the whole time she is getting a bath, Liza is texting me, "Lucy does not like her bath, Lucy is a screamer, Lucy this and Lucy that!" Funny thing is, we hadn't officially named her yet and certaintly hadn't told anybody. So now we joke that Liza and my mom just went off and named her Lucy...guess it was meant to be!!
Of course, we had to come up with a full name for our girl...so, we gave our tiny girl a big name...Louise McDaniel Delaney.
After I was settled in and Lucy was bundled up after her bath, we all snuggled into our room for the night. Liza and my parents visited for a while but needed to go relieve Tols (the second babysitter) and were gonna bring Patrick back in the morning.
I remember not sleeping at all that night! Lots of texting..."She's here"...which gave everybody a shock!
So even though Lucy didn't have the surprise of a natural birth, her unplanned c-section was quite a surprise to many!!