Figured I should do some updating...June 2, 2010...we have a beautiful 4 month old little Lucy...Louise McDaniel Delaney was born February 1, 2o10. She had quite the entrance into this world seeing how she was breech and was delivered 2 weeks early by c-section...wouldn't have been my first choice but none the less, the end result was well worth it.
Miss Lucy is a GREAT baby. She pretty much slept the first two months of her life and is just now coming to life!! She eats every four hours and sleeps from 9pm until 7am...woohoo!! Just yesterday she had her 4 month check-up. She weighed 12lbs. 15oz. and she is 24.25inches tall!! She is in the 35% for weight, 40% for head, and 50% for height. She continues to be a tiny little girl (especially compared to big brother Patrick). Lucy is talking ALL the time, rolling over, and even has a tooth trying to come in!!
Maybe I will be better about blogging...having two children should make it easier, right?!
1 comment:
these pictures are awesome. did your sis take these or you? lucy is absolutely precious! love your short hair p.s ! lucky duck that she's sleeping so well!
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